Caroline Galactéros
A career marked by a political and military expertise in a war zone and by a global analysis taking into account the geostrategic, societal and ethical approaches.
Founder and chief of operations of PLANETING since 2004
Founder of Geopragma, French geostrategic innovative platform
Columnist for the website of the newspaper Le Point since 2004 and for the FigaroVox since 2015
Colonel in the Operational Army Reserve since 2004
Director of seminar at the Ecole de Guerre (2009-2014)
Guest lecturer in International Relations at HEC Paris (2002-2003)
Research fellow and lecturer at the Geostrategic Center of l'ENS-Ulm (2001-2004)
Mission head at the Secrétariat général de la Défense nationale (Prime Minister), in charge of Balkan issues (1992-2001)
Doctor in Political Sciences (University Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Former auditor at the IHEDN (AA59)
Member of the Administrative Council of the Société de Stratégie
Member of the Administrative Council of the Association de soutien aux Armées françaises (ASAF)
Member of the Scientific Council of Conseil supérieur de la formation et de la recherche stratégique (CSFRS)
Member of the Cercle Jefferson